Project Updates
Children of Promise Orphan Center
The long-awaited opening of Children of Promise Orphan Center is now in sight. Currently undergoing licensing, our Orphan Care Center is dedicated to supporting Botswana’s vulnerable children. We will provide essential care, love and support, creating a nurturing environment where orphans can thrive emotionally, spiritually and physically. Please consider partnering with us to support/sponsor the Center monthly!
Cogent Farm
Cogent Farm is a 44 hectare farm (109 acres) obtained to help provide long term sustainability for Children of Promise Orphan Center, as well as other community projects, and to help the needy on a greater scale. We have begun irrigated crop growing in one hectare pulling water from the nearby river. We are thankful that the number of our goats and cows are continuing to increase. Cogent Farm is seeking those who can add expertise to our farming initiative. Please contact us if you feel you can help. Also, if you would like to specifically give to increase our yields through providing irrigation materials, or help us to purchase purchase additional cows or female goats through our adopt a Farm mom project please sign up below:
News and Events
Currently Branch Ministries is helping to oversee five "Church of the Harvest" congregations. These are in the villages of Tobane, Damochojenna, Sefophe and Dimajwe, as well as one congregation in the town of Selebi Phikwe. A few of these congregations have bi-vocational Pastors, and others are taken care of through platooning preaching and care. In Tobane and Damochojenna, with the help of our partners, we were able to put up church structures. Through the local congregations and our partners we will continue to improve these facilities. If you would like to help with our church planting specifically please reach out to us via email:
Currently our churches are faithfully laboring in a very tough spiritual climate. Many, once strong believers, have been swept away by false prophets, and then left disillusioned by fake prophecies. Please be praying for a spiritual awakening in Botswana and the outreaches planned to help impact this spiritual barrenness the country finds itself facing.
Church branch in the village of Dimajwe
Ministry and Itinerary
We have posted many teachings on our Branch Ministries International YouTube channel to reach beyond our current sphere and encourage others in the Body of Christ. Robert will again in February 2024 start making new material available. We invite you to join us! These 5 to 20 minute teachings we believe will be a blessing to you.
It is projected that Robert's first book titled The Gospel of Healing will be available on Amazon by mid year 2025. Final editing is also taking place on his book titled God's Blueprint for Marriage which will follow.
Bible Courses
Also, let us know if you would be interested in our online Branch Ministries International Bible Courses (BMIBC). We are currently working to make classes available to those interested.
We look forward to getting more extensive evangelistic outreaches underway early next year. Please be praying as we feel power evangelism and the ministry of healing is where the Lord is heading us in 2025. We are looking at holding these outreaches in villages, halls in towns and in a few areas also in the neighboring country of Zimbabwe. If you would like to help us with equipment, etc. for these outreaches please contact us. We look forward to seeing what miracles will accompany the preaching of the Gospel and the souls being saved.
Teachings & Media
Watch various teaching series on the Branch Ministries International YouTube channel.
Check out:
A Stitch in Time Series
Principles of Potential (POP)